Author: Laura Glover

Do You Need Personal Umbrella Coverage?



The more personal investments and assets you have, the more likely you are to be sued. Those with higher net worth are more susceptible to losses above and beyond your regular homeowners or auto coverage.


While social media can be a fun way to relax and pass the time, some users have been placed at financial risk due to lawsuits related to libel or defamation. Be careful what you post. If you can’t say it publicly, don’t post it socially.


Some dog breeds are excluded from homeowners’ coverage. An umbrella policy may be necessary to protect from hefty losses as a result of a dog bite or other dog related claims.


Firearms can be considered high risk to insurers. The possibility of a catastrophic loss is considered likely. The legal settlements can often fall above the underlying policy limits when a firearms related incident happens.


Pools without a locked gate may be declined by insurance companies. No. problem, add a fence. But what if someone leaves the gate open? Similar to a firearm accidents can be financially damaging.


That’s correct. You could be sued for more than 1 million and you will need a lot of assets and cash to completely resolve a settlement or judgement. Ensure that your Insurance company is supporting your financial needs. Get a personal umbrella policy today!

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The Basics of Life Insurance

If others depend on you for financial support, part of your financial plan should include how you will provide for them in the event of your death. To help you decide which option is the best for you, we’ve covered the basics.

The Basics of Life Insurance

If you are married, it’s important for both spouses to have a life insurance policy. If both people bring in an income, a death can be a difficult financial loss. Also, if a stay-at-home parent should pass away, expenses such as childcare and other domestic items can create financial hardship, too.

There are two basic types of life insurance: term life insurance and permanent life insurance. The type of life insurance policy that best suits you will depend on your unique needs.

Option #1: Term Life Insurance

Just as its name implies, term life insurance covers you for a specific period of time, or term, that you choose. Since it offers a death benefit but no cash value, term life insurance is an inexpensive way to protect your beneficiaries for a specified period of time.

Renewal term life insurance can be renewed at the end of the term, at the option of the policyholder and without evidence of insurability, for a limited number of successive terms. It can also be converted, or exchanged for a permanent insurance policy, without evidence of insurability down the road. It’s important to note that rates generally increase along with the insured’s age.

Option #2: Whole Life Insurance

Permanent life insurance is any form of life insurance other than term. Examples are whole life, universal life and variable life. These policies combine term life insurance with a long-term, tax-sheltered savings plan.

Whole life is the most basic type of permanent life insurance. It provides coverage that lasts a lifetime and also builds up a cash value that you can borrow against, withdraw or use to pay future premiums.

A life insurance policy with a cash value is ideal for those who have a lifetime need for insurance protection, prefer stable premiums over the life of the policy, want a policy that allows them to build tax-deferred values, and value the high degree of coverage the policy affords. While rates for a whole life insurance policy remain stable over the life of the policy, premiums are initially more costly than for term insurance. 

How Much Insurance Do I Need?

To find the right amount of coverage, it’s important to weigh your dependents’ current lifestyle and spending needs against their future sources of income and assets. We can help you figure out how much your family will need to replace this lost income over this length of time should something happen to you. Call us today at 419-720-6446 to learn more.



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Surviving The Summer Heat

​Summer heat can be more than uncomfortable—it can be a threat to your health, especially for older adults and children. Whatever your age, do not let the summer heat get the best of you.

Heat Exhaustion

Heat exhaustion occurs when a person cannot sweat enough to cool the body, usually the result of not drinking enough fluids during hot weather. It generally develops when a person is playing, working, or exercising outside in extreme heat. Here are some symptoms:
• Dizziness, weakness, nausea, headache and vomiting
• Blurry vision
• Body temperature rising to 101°F
• Sweaty skin
• Feeling hot and thirsty
• Difficulty speaking
A person suffering from heat exhaustion must move to a cool place and drink plenty of water.
For some employees, working from home is business as usual. For others, this may be the first time they’ve telecommuted. This working arrangement may seem exciting at first, but it can lose its luster over time, resulting in disengaged employees. And, when employees aren’t engaged, their productivity and motivation can suffer.

Heat Stroke

Heat stroke is the result of untreated heat exhaustion. Here are some symptoms:
• Sweating
• Unawareness of heat and thirst
• Body temperature rising rapidly to above 101°F
• Confusion or delirium
• Loss of consciousness or seizure

Heat stroke is a serious medical emergency that must be treated quickly by a trained professional. Until help arrives, cool the person down by placing ice on the neck, armpits and groin. If the person is awake and able to swallow, give him or her fluids.

Tips for Staying Cool

Below are some tips for staying safe in the heat:
• Drink plenty of water—In hot weather, drink enough to quench your thirst. The average adult needs eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day—more during heat spells.
• Dress for the weather—When outside, wear lightweight clothing made of natural fabrics and a well-ventilated hat.
• Stay inside if possible—Do errands and outside chores early or late in the day.
• Eat light—Replace heavy or hot meals with lighter, refreshing foods.
• Think cool! Take a cool shower or apply a cold compress to your pulse points. Try spending time indoors at an air-conditioned mall or movie theater.


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Stapleton Insurance Recognizes Anne Grady Residents and Staff with Breakfast and Supply Donations

Byrne Stapleton, CEO of the Stapleton Insurance Group and board member of Anne Grady Services continues his community mission of giving back on Friday June 12, 2020 at 9:00am with a donation of arts, crafts, board and card games, and outdoor activities for the clients of Anne Grady as well as a contribution of donuts and pasties for the faculty and staff members that have worked diligently through the Covid virus.   

Byrne Stapleton states “many organizations have been overlooked during this Pandemic.  Anne Grady residents went weeks without seeing their family members and many of the supplies used to help entertain the residents were depleted.   The staff went above and beyond to make sure all clients were well taken care of and their activities did not suffer.”  

Anne Grady is a private not-for-profit charitable organization that opened in March, 1982. Their mission is to enable individuals to experience lives of dignity and respect, by offering the highest quality care possible to individuals with intellectual disabilities.

Stapleton continues “as the pandemic continues; we need to make sure that we look out for those in need of support.”


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Stapleton Insurance Group Awards two (2)-$1000 College Scholarships to Team Members Children and Grandchildren

Byrne Stapleton, CEO of the Stapleton Insurance Group awarded two (2) $1000 scholarships on Wednesday, May 6, 2020. The first scholarship was awarded to team member Lisa Sheely, son Caden Sheely of Shelby NC. He is committed to play soccer to Mars Hill University in the fall. The second scholarship winner Marla Duff is the step-daughter of team member Sheri Cantu. Marla is a senior at The University of Michigan and will be graduating in December with a double degree in Psychology and Women and Gender Studies.

The Scholarship program was created 10 years ago in memory of James R. Stapleton, our former President and CEO and J. Patrick Stapleton, our former Executive Vice President. The Scholarships proudly supports education and enrichment and are available to our team member’s children and grandchildren. Next year Stapleton will be adding a third $1000 scholarship in the name of Rudy E. Stapleton, former founder of Stapleton Insurance agency.

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